Memorandum britských náčelníků štábu o spolupráci po konferenci Arcadia( 8.1. 1942 - současnost )

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Memorandwm by the British Ohiefs of Staff

The source text was circulated on January 10 and was attached as Annex 4 to JCCSs-8 ; see ante, p.174.

WAHINGTON, January 8, 1942.




1. We think that the United States Chiefs of Staff will wish to know what representatives of the Minister of Defence and the British Chiefs of Staff organization it is proposed to leave in Washington after the departure of th e Arcadia party.

2. To avoid confusion, we suggest that hereafter the word "Joint" should be applied to Inter-Service collaboration and the word "Combined" to collaboration between two or more allied nations.

Representative of the Minister of Defence.

3. Field Marshal Sir John Dill is remaining in Washington as representat ive of theMinister of Defence. He will ha ve contacts with such authorities on the highest level as may be arranged between the President and the Prime Minister.

Representatives of the British Chiefs of Staff,

4. The Heads of the Joint Staff Mission, Admiral Sir Charles Little, Lieut. General Sir Colville Wemyss, and Air Marshal A. T. Harris, will continue to represent the British Chiefs of Staff in Washington. It is hoped that a meeting between the United States Chiefs of Staff or their representatives and the representatives of the British Chiefs of Staff may be held weekly or more often if necessary. An agenda would be circulated befo re each meeting.


Combined Planning.

5. F or the time being the British representa tives on the Planning

Staff will be-


Captain C. E. Lambe, R.N., Deputy Director of Plans,



Lieut. Colonel G. K. Bourne


Group Captain S. C. Strafford

Combined I nteUigence.

6. The arrangement s for production of complete intelligence to

serve the Planning Staffs are of great importance and we suggest

that this matter should either be r eferred to the Combined Planning

Staffs for repor t or considered by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at

their next meeting.

7. 'Ve have here representatives of the J oint Intelligence Commit

tee in London and these are available to work in conjunct ion with

any orga nization the United States Chiefs of Staff may desire.

Priorities and A llocation.

8. In our view, the Combined Chiefs of Staff should settle the

broad programme of requirements based on st rategic policy. 'Ve

suggest th at it will be the duty of the Combined Planning Staffs,

ad vised by appropria te All ocati on Officers, to watch, on behalf of

the Combined Chiefs of Staff, the production progrannnes and to

bring to notice instances where output does not conform to strategic


o. Simila rly , the Combined Chiefs of Staff should from time to time

issue genera l directives laying down policy to govern the distribution

of ava ilable weapons of war. Effect should be given to these di rectives

by appropriate Combined All ocation Committees. These would meet

periodically and make both long-term allocations (on which planning

and training of for ces must be based), and short- term allocations

to meet immedia te military needs.

10. The British representatives on the appropriate Combined All ocation

Committees will for the present be-


Rear Admiral J. W. Dorling, R.N.


Brigadier D. Campion


Air Commodore E . B. C. Betts

11. All ocation should be made as between the United States and

the British Commonwealth, each caring for the needs of t he All ies

for whom it has accepted responsibility.

Military Moeemente.

12. The Combined Chiefs of Staff would settle the broad issues of

priority of overseas movement . I n order to advise the Combined

Chiefs of Staff and to coordinate the movement of United States and

British troops and equipmen t so that th e shipping resour ces of both

countries are put to the best use, it appears to us that a Combined

Body is desirable. The British representatives for such a body are

ava ilable under Brigadi er H. R. Kerr.

13. It is suggested th at this Combined Body should work in close

touch with the Combined Planning Staffs through whom their advice

to the Combined Chiefs of Staff would be submitted.

Secretariat ,

14. A British Secretariat under Brigadier Dykes is availabl e to

serve the above organizations and to work in with any similar Secreta

r iat system which th e United States Chiefs of Staff may establish.




(for Chief of Air Staff)


As a work of the United States government, this material is in the public domain.



Bibliografický záznam

[autor nezadán]: Memorandum britských náčelníků štábu o spolupráci po konferenci Arcadia 8.1. 1942 - současnost


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Autor: JV
  • Foreign relations of the United States. The Conferences at Washington, 1941-1942, and Casablanca, 1943 . Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1941